No sooner born than committed.

Our company is a collective of talents striving to protect your business.

Stroople is a French independent pure player in cybersecurity. Our mission is to identify and protect your most sensitive digital assets. 

% pure player in cyber security
% independant company

Our business approach : do well and do good.

Employees first.

We are developing a participatory and inclusive business model that encourages diversity of talent. Our teams are the foundation of our business.

Customer centric.

We firmly believe that if we take care of our employees, they will take care of our clients. Everything we do, we do to empower them for our partners.

Carbon neutral.

Our goal is to contribute to global carbon neutrality. To achieve this goal, we are working in parallel to reduce CO2 emissions and develop carbon sinks.

Trust by leading company

Trust drives our performance.

We are driven by four core values that guide the how and the why motivating everything we do : inspire trust, thing big, be positive and be curious. At Stroople, we put definitely trust behind everything we do. Trust encompasses many things: respect, transparency, empathy, commitment or ethics. For us trust is not just nice-to-have this is a must-have. For us that the essence of what we do. Safeguard our customers businesses. 

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Our carbon approach

Stroople participates in forest planting, regeneration and protection projects. In addition to storing carbon and preserving biodiversity, the projects we support generate multiple social, economic and environmental benefits. However, we see carbon offsetting as a way to contribute to the ecological transition and not as a way to “cancel” our footprint. As such, we are working in parallel to reduce our emissions and develop carbon sinks.

That our way to contribute to leave a better world to our kids.

Why forest matter?

Massive deforestation is accelerating and affects wildlife, ecosystems, weather patterns, and even climate.

As the world seeks to slow the pace of climate change, preserve wildlife, and billions of people, trees inevitably hold major part of the answer. We need trees for a variety of reasons, not least of which is that they absorb not only the carbon dioxide that we exhale, but also the heat-trapping greenhouse gases that human activities emit. Forest are the first land-based carbon sink. Trees absorb CO2 removing it from the air and storing it while releasing oxygen. A mature acre of trees can yearly provide oxygen for 18 people. They purify air and cool cities in Summer by up to 12° by providing shade and releasing water. They help to prevent water pollution.

They also contribute to boosting biodiversity. 80% of land-based biodiversity is found in forests. Forests reinforce soil and incresase fertility. “Forest bathing” is scientifically proven to improve your health. Trees emit oils help our immune systems.

Acres absorb
KG CO2 / year

(EU average carbon footprint)